Tag Archives: Ranking 2021


APOYO Consultoría on the 2021 Ranking – Leaders League Litigation Support

At APOYO Consultoría we are proud that our firm is recognized in the highest category [...]

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Posts Press

In 2024, some key productive sectors will go from red to blue and will boost GDP growth to close to 3%

Artículo en Gestión. Luego de un 2023 particularmente complicado para el cumplimiento de los objetivos [...]

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AC Opinion

New deductions to personal income tax would reduce revenue and harm the fiscal consolidation process

La Comisión de Economía aprobó recientemente un dictamen que introduce nuevas categorías de gasto que [...]

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How can companies face an environment of uncertainty?

Javier Tabata, partner at APOYO Consultoría and leader of the Management Consulting and Analytics units, [...]

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Interview with Mauricio Concha Zegarra at Semana Económica

Mauricio Concha Zegarra, Vice President of APOYO Corporate Finance, comments on the reactivation of the [...]

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APOYO Consultoría in the XL Survey of Power

At APOYO Consultoría, we are proud to belong to the top 5 of the think [...]

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Global real shocks

Geoffrey Cannock, partner at APOYO Consultoría and leader of the Economic Consulting unit, reflects on [...]

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AC Opinion

Six measures to resume the course of poverty reduction in the short term

Los últimos datos sobre la pobreza en nuestro país evidencian una realidad alarmante: nos hemos [...]

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AC Opinion

Proposals to guarantee a sustainable pension reform that benefits more Peruvians

La semana pasada, el Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (MEF) presentó al Congreso su proyecto [...]

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