Tag Archives: Growth
Some lessons learned from fiscal policy
"In the last 5 years, the impulse of fiscal policy to the growth of the [...]
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Progress and pending challenges in the fight for gender equality in Peru
Aunque se ha logrado avanzar significativamente en el acceso a educación en el Perú, las [...]
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The current economic recovery is not enough to raise the minimum wage
La semana pasada, el ministro de Trabajo, Daniel Maurate, anunció que el Gobierno está preparando [...]
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Peruvians spend more than they should on medicines due to shortages in the public health system
En el Perú existe un grave problema de acceso a medicamentos que afecta, principalmente, a [...]
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“We have allowed the State to fragment”
Gianfranco Castagnola, executive president of APOYO Consultoría, spoke with Peru 21 about the complex situation [...]
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Is it a good time for the Peruvian company to seek internationalization?
Clive Ramsey, manager of the Management Consulting unit at APOYO Consultoría, and Leonidas Cuenca, project [...]
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More government commitment is needed to really reactivate the economy
Last week, APOYO Consultoría reviewed its economic growth projections for 2022 and 2023 during the [...]
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“Enel is going to be a good thermometer of what can happen in large transactions in Peru”
Eduardo Campos, partner at APOYO Finanzas Corporativas, explains in an interview with Semana Económica that [...]
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Tribute to Felipe Ortiz de Zevallos
Hoy rendimos homenaje a Felipe Ortiz de Zevallos, fundador de APOYO en 1977, quien recientemente [...]
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